Hermione Burns

 Hermione Burns



Sporting, Compak, Sportrap


Gun: Beretta DT10L

Cartridges: Eley Superbs #8 24 Grams

My name is Hermione Burns and I am Eighteen years old, I am a competition clay shooter and began shooting when I was eight years old but it has only been in the last four/five years that I have shot competitively. I started off shooting English skeet, and tried a little “Down The Line” (DTL) and Sporting. I enjoyed shooting DTL the most. I have previously worked with well-known GBR shooter and ISSF B licensed coach Rod Gould since June 2017 and also with Steve Scott who at present is my current OT coach.

I started training on Olympic Trap at the beginning of 2018. In July I shot in my first registered Olympic Trap competition scoring 72/100 and repeated that score in October to win the South East Inter-Counties Olympic Trap Colts title.

2017 Titles

English Skeet Club Ladies Champion, Home International (N.Ireland)

Greater London All Rounder Colt Champion

Greater London English Skeet Colt Champion

Greater London DTL Single Barrel Colt Champion

Greater London DTL Colt Champion

2018 Titles

South East Region Inter Counties OTR Colts Champion

South East of England DTL Ladies Champion

South East Region Inter Counties DTL Ladies Champion

Greater London Olympic Trap Colt Champion

Greater London All Rounder Ladies Champion

Greater London All Rounder Colt Champion

English Skeet Club Junior Champion, Home International (N.Ireland)

English Skeet Club Grand Eastern Junior Champion

Greater London English Skeet Ladies Champion

Greater London English Skeet Colt Champion

Greater London DTL Single Barrel Champion

Greater London DTL Single Barrel Ladies Champion

Greater London DTL Single Barrel Colt Champion

Greater London Ladies DTL Champion

Greater London DTL Colt Champion

2019 Titles

Classified as top lady colt in C class in the country

DTL English selection invite

DTL English selection shoot 25 straight

DTL Bisley gun club 1st in colts

DTL Bisley gun club 1st in colts, ladies and C class 98/288

Greater London Heilce ZZ joint 1st in ladies and 1st in colts

Bisley 200 2nd in colts, 3rd ladies, 3rd in C class

Bisley gun club 2nd in colts and 3rd in C class

Mayland gun club 1st in colts

Bisley gun club 2nd in ladies and 2nd in colts

Bisley and Greater London Grand Prix 1st in colts with a 98/282

Bisley gun club pairs with Rod Gould 3rd in C class and 4th in pairs

Maryland gun club 1st in C class

December, I became B class

2020 Titles

Bisley gun club 1st in ladies and 1st in colts

Invited to the DTL English team selection shoots

Greater London ABT comp 1st in colts

NCSC OT winter series 2nd in ladies and 2nd in D class

NCSC Greater London Skeet 1st in ladies and 1st in colts

2021 Titles

2021 Titles

CPSA Trap Initiative

Greater London OT 1st in colts

UK Championships OT 2nd in ladies and 1st in junior ladies

British Shooting Shotgun Series 3 OT 3rd in junior ladies

British Grand Prix OT 1st in junior ladies

British Shooting Shotgun Series Grand Final OT 2nd in junior ladies

British Masters OT 2nd in junior ladies

2022 Titles

Malaga Grand Prix OT 1st in junior ladies

Junior World Cup in Shul Germany British Record junior women’s team 176/225

UK Championships OT 3rd in junior ladies

British Grand Prix OT 1st in junior ladies 2 year in a row

British Shooting Shotgun Series OT 2nd in junior ladies

2023 Titles

NCSC Greater London OT 1st in juniors and 1st in ladies

CNTS French Grand Prix OT made the final

Fauxdegla British Shooting Shotgun Series 2 OT 3rd in junior ladies

NCSC British Shooting Shotgun Series (4th in junior ladies after a final shoot off)

Emir Cup Italy 1 target away from the final

Other achievements

Shooting 25 straight English skeet

Shooting 25 straight DTL

Shooting 25 straight DTL single barrel (June 2018)

Shooting 50 straight DTL (Sept 2018)

My Current Sponsors:-

Dartford Clay Shooting Club

Kent Oil Tanks

Bowman Traps

How I train: -

I am gaining experience in all areas of shooting and understanding more about what makes a champion. I am also getting the opportunity to shoot 100 practice clays a week through sponsorship from Dartford Clay Shooting Club (2023) which is bringing my shooting on rapidly, I use them on ABT to keep my timing on point, along with as many competitions as I can. This has also improved my shooting and has made me a lot more consistent. This also means that I am available to shoot all major competitions and travel abroad next year again 2024 as a junior.

I am 100% dedicated to my shooting career and focused on what I need to achieve, I am fully backed by my parents and many friends  I aim to attend all of the major competitions and train as hard as I can for 2024.


Hermione Burns